Sunday, May 16, 2010

Love thy neighbour !

We Indians generally associate fun and enjoyment with sound. Be it the fireworks for Diwali celebrations or loud music in parties or jagratas for which I guess communication is better at night with god, no 'merry-making' is complete without deafening sounds.

But what we forget is that the moment the sound reaches your neighbors' ears your right of 'freedom to enjoy' infringes his right of 'freedom to rest in peace'. And in a democratic country like ours this violation of fundamental rights is not acceptable. It is social responsibility of every civilized man to respect others' independence and freedom.

This form of celebration does not reflect high social status but throws light on poor upbringing and lack of respect towards social and moral values. Remember neighbors are the first ones you would go to in any emergency. So one must show at least some concern towards them and try to confine the noise within their homes.

Since now the 'party' downstairs has come to an end and the music has stopped, I can have my much needed sleep but hope that in the future my venerable neighbor will either invite me to the party or keep the volume level low.

PS: This piece was originally written on 21st April 2008 at midnight.